Supporting the First Thousand Days

$ 550.00 Ex GST

The ‘first thousand days’ refers to the period of development from conception to age 2.

While early years experts have long been aware that this is an important period of development, researchers have only recently started to unlock some of the mysteries surrounding the processes by which genes, experiences, and environments interact to influence development. This research underpins The EYLF and the NQF. Join us and find out how a child’s early experiences and relationships in the first years of life are critical for their development and how you can contribute to this while working in line with the NQF.

Certificate of Competence awarded on completion of course.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand how your own image of infants and toddlers impacts how you work with them.
  • View the many ways infants and toddlers are capable and competent.
  • Understand the importance of the first 1,000 days of life (conception – 2 years) and how this impacts an individual’s life.
  • Identify the key components of a suitable educational setting for infants and toddlers.
  • Understand how attachment relationships are formed.
  • Explore the contrast between nature and nurture.

 Links to QA1 and QA5