Social and Emotional Development in OSHC – Self Paced Course

$ 49.00 Ex GST


Social and Emotional Development in OSHC (Self Paced Course) 

Throughoutthis course, we will be looking at why Educators need to have an understanding ofSocial and Emotional Wellbeing in OSHC, embedded in the differing socio-cultural contexts of Child Development and Learning. As reflective educators, we need to challenge our assumptions incorporating continual self-evaluation, bringing about a transformation in our thinking. This course is made up of learning modules in which we explore the concept of Social and Emotional Wellbeing within the context of an Outside School Hours Care setting.   

Certificate of Completion awarded on completion of the course 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Understanding Social and Emotional wellbeing   
  • Understanding Social and Emotional Development in the context of school-age care  
  • Strategies to support Social and Emotional Wellbeing in OSHC   
  • An understanding of the link between Behaviour and Social and Emotional wellbeing  


Links to NQS: QA1, QA2, QA3, QA5, QA6  


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