School Readiness : On-Demand Webcast

$ 24.00 Ex GST

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For those children who are enjoying their year ahead prior to going to school, they may find that suddenly the adults around them begin to focus on different aspects of their life.  There may be more conversations about ‘when you go to school you will have to …..’.  Parents and educators are pointing at black squiggles on the page and asking them to copy them and make sense of them, but the children are reluctant or confused.  For children at this age, between the ages of 2.5 to 4 years, this new very abstract can feel irrelevant and leave them feeling bamboozled.

This webcast discusses what children really need to be ready for school.  We discuss the importance of play-based learning and the importance of supporting intellectual learning rather than academic learning.  The foundations for learning are discussed that can help support discussions with concerned parents about why play-based learning is the best preparation for children at this stage.

Learning Outcomes:

  • What is school readiness? Linking Vygotsky’s ZPD to school readiness expectations.
  • The value of learning through play and developing resilience.
  • Setting strong learning foundations through play.
  • Intellectual vs academic learning – what is it and where should the focus be?
  • Negative effects of premature academic focus.

Links to NQS:

  • QA1
  • QA5
  • QA6

Links to EYLF:

  • Practice – Holistic, integrated and interconnected approaches: Play-based learning and intentionality.


  • 4 – Children are confident and involved learners.

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