Child Aware – Self Paced Course

$ 39.00 Ex GST


This course covers child protection, raising awareness of child abuse and neglect.

The course briefly touches on the types of child abuse and neglect and the indicators of child abuse and neglect. The primary focus of the course is to identify the role and responsibility of those working in early and middle childhood education and care settings in protecting children’s safety and wellbeing. Topics covered will include the process of identifying children at risk of harm, and the procedures and actions to be taken when a situation is identified. This includes documentation of concerns and disclosures, reporting requirements (who and when – linked to current legislation) and mandatory reporting for your state and territory.

Certificate of Competence awarded on completion of course.

Learning outcomes

  • The different types of child abuse or neglect and their indicators.
  • Your role in protecting children.
  • The primary roles of different agencies related to child protection.
  • Strategies to protect children and educators in education and care services.

Links to NQS: QA2, QA5, QA6 & QA7


Login using your username and password. If you do not have an account you can create one following the on screen instructions.

Navigate to the course you purchased and enter your unique Enrolment key into the Course Code Form. The Enrolment key will be printed on your Purchase Invoice.